The EOSAM Conference takes place online for the first time ever in 2020. Registration is completely for free for attendees.
All the sessions are available as ondemand UNTIL 25 SEPTEMBER!
Access to sessions:
Monday 7 September
9:45-17:30 CEST Physics School on Metrology (SOLD OUT. Registered attendees will receive access link prior to 7 September)
12:00-14:00 CEST EOS Annual General Assembly (for all EOS members, registration link has been sent to all EOS members)
Tuesday 8 September
10:00-10:30 CEST Opening of the conference
10:30-11:15 CEST Plenary Speech by Yuri Kivshar (Now available as ondemand)
Wednesday 9 September
14:00-14:45 CEST Plenary Speech by Hatice Altug (Now available as ondemand)
Thursday 10 September
14:00-14:45 CEST Plenary Speech by Luis Plaja (Now available as ondemand)
Friday 11 September
14:00-14:45 CEST Plenary Speech by José Luís Campos Oliveira Santos (Soon available as ondemand)
14:45 - 15:00 CEST Closing words
EOS retains the option to make changes to the schedule where necessary. Registration is required for all items.
The following presentations are open for viewing to all registered attendees during the conference week 7-11 September 2020. NOW AVAILABLE UNTIL 25 SEPTEMBER!
In the registration phase each attendee selects which Topical Meetings, "TOM", they wish to view, and unique access links to these sessions are sent to the attendee at the beginning of the conference week. Each session is open for viewing until 25 September 2020.
Access to sessions:
TOM 1- Silicon Photonics and Guided-Wave Optics
Session 1
Ultra-broadband silicon photonics devices based on subwavelength metamaterials -INVITED
Velasco, Aitor V.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
Deformed microcavities with very high Q-factors and directional far?eld emission
Behrens, Arne (1); Bosch, Martí (2); Hentschel, Martina (3); Sinzinger, Stefan (1)
1: FG Technische OptikInstitut für Mikro- und Nanotechnologien MacroNano ®, TU Ilmenau;
2: FG Computational Physics, TU Ilmenau;
3: Intstitut für Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Laser processed semiconductors for integrated photonic devices -INVITED
Peacock, Anna C. (1); MacFarquhar, Stuart J. (1); Franz, Yohann (1); Runge, Anotine F.J. (1); Mailis, Sakellaris (1); Oo, Swe Z. (2); Mittal, Vinita (1); Chong, Harold M.H. (2); Aktas, Ozan (1)
1: ORC, University of Southampton, United Kingdom;
2: ECS, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Efficient modeling techniques for plasmonic and photonic devices
Salah Obayya
Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt
Session 2
Self-configuring silicon photonics - SPECIAL INVITED
David Miller
Stanford University, United States of America
Shaping the propagation of light and sound in silicon metamaterial waveguides -INVITED
Carlos Alonso Ramos
University Paris Sud and CNRS, France
Enhanced efficiency thermo-optic phase-shifter by using multi-mode-interference device
Pant, Bharat; Zhang, Weiwei; Tran, Denh; Banakar, Mehdi; Du, Han; Yan, Xingzhao; Littlejohns, Callum; Reed, Graham; Thomson, David
ORC, Southampton, England, United Kingdom
Quantum dot multi-wavelength lasers for Tbit/s coherent communications and 5G wireless networks -INVITED
Lu, Zhenguo
National Research Council Canada, Canada
Session 3
Silicon photonics for high data rate applications -INVITED
Thomson, David
Southampton University, United Kingdom
Kerr Micro-combs for Radio Frequency Photonics -INVITED
Moss, David James
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Hybric plasmonic transceivers -INVITED
Helmy Amr
University of Toronto, Canada
Session 4
Integrated Photonics for High Performance Computing -INVITED
Yichen Shen
Lightelligence, United States of America
Progress in and applications of ultra-long fiber Bragg gratings - SPECIAL INVITED
Raman Kashyap
Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Active and Tunable Dielectric Metasurfaces -INVITED
Chengjun Zou (Isabelle Staude)
University of Jena, Germany
Session 5
Subwavelength Grating Metamaterila Devices: Theory and Applications -INVITED
Alejandro Ortega Monux
University of Malaga, Spain
High performance silicon photonic devices with mode manipulation -INVITED
Daoxin Dai
Zhejiang University, China
Applications of Augmented of Low Index Waveguides -INVITED
Stewart Aitchison
University of Toronto, Canada
TOM 2- Computational, Adaptive and Freeform Optics
Modelling Light Scattering in the Context of Freeform Optical Design
Kronberg, Simon (1);Anthonissen, Martijn J.H. (1);ten Thije Boonkkamp, Jan H.M. (1);IJzerman, Wilert L. (1,2)
1: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands;
2: Signify Research, The Netherlands
An energy conservative hp-scheme for light propagation using Liouville's equation for geometrical optics
van Gestel, Robert A.M. (1);Anthonissen, Martijn J.H. (1);ten Thije Boonkkamp, Jan H.M. (1);IJzerman, Wilbert L. (1,2)
1: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, The;
2: Signify Research, The Netherlands
Numerically solving generated Jacobian equations in freeform optical design
Romijn, Lotte Bente (1);Anthonissen, Martijn J.H. (1);ten Thije Boonkkamp, Jan H.M. (1);IJzerman, Wilbert L. (1,2)
1: Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, Netherlands, The;
2: Signify Research
Light shaping from a physical-optics point of view
Yang, Liangxin (1);Badar, Irfan (1,2);Hellmann, Christian (2,3);Wyrowski, Frank (1)
1: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany;
2: Wyrowski Photonics UG, Jena, Germany;
3: LightTrans International UG, Jena, Germany
TOM 3- Optical System Design, Tolerancing and Manufacturing
Advances in precision freeform manufacturing by plasma jet machining -INVITED
Arnold, Thomas;Boehm, Georg;Kazemi, Faezeh
Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), Germany
Huge optical telescopes The end of the road...? -INVITED
David Walker
University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Rotation-free industrial alignment of high performance optics
Leenman, Dennis;Berndt, Frederic;Beyer, Stefan
Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co., Germany
Compact, astigmatism corrected cross-grating spectrometer
Kraus, Matthias (1,2); Förster, Erik (1,2); Bagusat, Verena (1); Hönle, Tobias (1); Uwurukundo, Xavier (1); Bohnert, Patrick (1); Brüning, Robert (3); Hillmer, Hartmut (2);
Brunner, Robert (1,3)
1: University of Applied Sciences Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany;
2: Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics (INA), University of Kassel, 34132 Kassel, Germany;
3: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), 07745 Jena Germany
TOM 4- Bio-Medical Optics
Session 1
Towards optical biopsy by dynamic contrast microscopic OCT -INVITED
Hinnerk Schulz-Hildebrandt
University of Lübeck, Germany
In vivo endoscopic multifunctional optical coherence tomography imaging of lungs periphery before and after bronchial thermoplasty
Vaselli, Margherita;Feroldi, Fabio;Willemse, Joy;Graefe, Maximilian G.O.;van Iperen, Dirck;Goorsenberg, Annika W.M.;Bonta, Peter I.;Annema, Jouke T.;de Boer, Johannes F.
VU university, Netherlands, The
Session 2
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography as a tool to visualize the fiber direction of retinal nerves and peripapillary sclera
Willemse, Joy (1);Verbraak, Frank (2);de Boer, Johannes (1,2)
1: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands;
2: Amsterdam UMC
Attenuation coefficient as a quantitative parameter for analyzing cataracts with optical coherence tomography
Eugui, Pablo (1);Harper, Danielle J. (1);Gesperger, Johanna (1,2);Lichtenegger, Antonia (1);Merkle, Conrad W. (1);Glösmann, Martin (3);Baumann, Bernhard (1)
1: Medical University of Vienna, Austria;
2: 2Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria;
3: Core Facility for Research and Technology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria
Non-linear label-free imaging through a multimode graded index optical fibre
Cifuentes, Angel Sergio (1);Trägårdh, Johanna (1);Pikálek, Tomáš (1);Šerý, Mojmír (1);Akimov, Denis (2);Meyer, Tobias (2,3);Popp, Jürgen (2,3);Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo (4);?ižmár, Tomáš (1,2,5)
1: Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i., Královopolská 147, 612 64 Brno, Czech Republic;
2: Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena, Germany;
3: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and Abbe Center of Photonics, Helmholtzweg 4, 07743 Jena, Germany;
4: CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, 4304 Scorpius St., 32816-2700 Orlando, Florida, United States of America;
5: Institute of Applied Optics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Fröbelstieg 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
TOM 5- Resonant Nanophotonics : fundamentals and applications
Session 1
Second harmonic generation enhancement by polarization-matched nanostructures -INVITED
Dreser, Christoph (1);Gürdal, Emre (1);Bautista, Godofredo (2);Horneber, Anke (1);Zang, Xiaorun (2);Gollmer, Dominik A. (1);Meixner, Alfred J. (1);Kern, Dieter P. (1);Zhang, Dai (1);Kauranen, Martti (2);Fleischer, Monika (1)
1: Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany;
2: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic band-stop filter using Ag grating
Motogaito, Atsushi;Tanaka, Ryoga;Hiramatsu, Kazumasa
Mie University, Japan
Optimatisation of Quantum Dot based Single-Photon Sources -INVITED
Sarah Thomas
CNRS, C2N, France
Strong light-matter coupling in dielectric metasurfaces
Castellanos, Gabriel (1);Murai, Shunsuke (2);Raziman, T.V. (1);Wang, Shaojun (3);Ramezani, Mohammad (1);Curto, Alberto G. (1);Gómez Rivas, Jaime (1)
1: Department of Applied Physics and Institute for Photonic Integration, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands;
2: Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan;
3: MOE Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Technologies and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
Session 2
Versatile architecture of ultra-narrow band absorbing photonic nanostructure
Verlhac, Clément (1);El-Ouazzani, Hasnaa (1);Makhsiyan, Mathilde (1);Haidar, Riad (1,2);Primot, Jérôme (1);Bouchon, Patrick (1)
1: DOTA, ONERA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91123 Palaiseau, France;
2: École polytechnique, Département de Physique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
Towards active electro-optic lithium niobate metasurfaces
Timpu, Flavia;Weigand, Helena;Kaufmann, Fabian;Richter, Felix U.;Vogler-Neuling, Viola-Valentina;Karvounis, Artemios;Grange, Rachel
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Resonant diffraction gratings with polarization-dependent efficiencies
Wüster, Julian;Feßer, Patrick;Behrens, Arne;Sinzinger, Stefan
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
Session 3
Dielectric nano-cavities and antennas for single-emitter control -INVITED
Riccardo Sapienza
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Modal expansion of optical far-field quantities using quasinormal modes
Binkowski, Felix (1); Betz, Fridtjof (1); Colom, Rémi (1); Hammerschmidt, Martin (2); Zschiedrich, Lin (2); Burger, Sven (1,2)
1: Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany;
2: JCMwave GmbH, Germany
Quasi-normal mode expansion as a tool for the design of nanophotonic devices
Colom, Remi (1); Binkowski, Felix (1); Betz, Fridtjof (1); Hammerschmidt, Martin (2); Zschiedrich, Lin (2); Sven, Sven (1,2)
1: Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany;
2: JCMwave GmbH, Germany
TOM 6- Frontiers in Optical Metrology
Session 1: High resolution measurement
From 2D to 3D super-resolution imaging through glass microspheres -INVITED
Perrin, Stephane;Lecler, Sylvain;Montgomery, Paul
ICube Laboratory, CNRS - INSA - University of Strasbourg, France
Super-resolution for 2.5D height data of microstructured surfaces using the vdsr network
Siemens, Stefan;Kästner, Markus;Reithmeier, Eduard
Institute of Measurement and Automatic Control, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Characterization progress of a UV-microscope recently implemented at the PTB Nanometer Comparator for uni- and bidirectional measurements
Krüger, Jan;Köning, Rainer;Bodermann, Bernd
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
Picometer mechanical displacement measurement using heterodyne interferometer with phase-locked loop
Aketagawa, Masato;Nguyen, Thanh Dong
Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Spatial spectroscopy for high resolution imaging
Villegas, Arturo (1,2);Torres, Juan P. (1,3)
1: ICFO - Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, Spain;
2: The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Spain;
3: Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Session 2: Metrology Methods
Fully scan-less three dimensional imaging using optical frequency comb -INVITED
Kaoru Minoshima
The University of Electro.Communications (UEC Tokyo), Japan
Fast 3D Shape Measurement of Transparent Glasses by Sequential Thermal Fringe Projection
Landmann, Martin (1,2);Speck, Henri (1);Dietrich, Patrick (1,2,3);Heist, Stefan (1);Kühmstedt, Peter (1);Notni, Gunther (1,3)
1: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Germany;
2: Friedrich Schiller University, Institute of Applied Physics, Germany;
3: Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
An optical metrology system for the measurement of the refractive index of glass
Leite, Inês Meira (1,2);Cabral, Alexandre Pereira (1,2)
1: Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Portugal;
2: Lisboa, Departamento de Física, Portugal
Application of the Vernier method for absolute distance metrology with CW TOF phase shift technique
Gonçalves, Nuno Miguel (1,2);Abreu, Manuel (1,2);Castro Alves, David (1,2)
1: Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Portugal;
2: Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Session 3: Various topics
Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock -INVITED
Lisdat Christian
The University of Electro.Communications (UEC Tokyo)
Imaging Mueller matrix ellipsometry setup for optical nanoform metrology
Käseberg, Tim (1);Grundmann, Jana (1);Dickmann, Johannes (1,2);Kroker, Stefanie (1,2);Bodermann, Bernd (1)
1: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany;
2: Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Two wavelength frequency transfer over an optical fiber link
Pires, Carlos (1);Abreu, Manuel (2);Godinho, Isabel (1);Agostinho, Rui (2)
1: Instituto Portugues da Qualidade, Portugal;
2: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Thinking Camera – Powered by the CAOS Camera Platform
Riza, Nabeel
University College Cork, Ireland
Fully integrated stokes snapshot imaging polarimeter
Stock, Carsten (1,2);Siefke, Thomas (1);Hubold, Martin (3);Gassner, Christin (3);Brüning, Robert (3);Zeitner, Uwe (1,4)
1: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, 07745 Jena, Germany;
2: Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Center of Excellence in Photonics, 07745 Jena, Germany;
3: Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Department Optical and Mechanical System Design, 07745 Jena, Germany;
4: Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Department for Microoptical Systems, 07745 Jena, Germany
Electromagnetic scattering beyond the weak regime: Solving the problem of divergent Born perturbation series by Padé approximants
van der Sijs, Thomas Alexander (1);El Gawhary, Omar (1,2);Urbach, Hendrik Paul (1)
1: Optics Research Group, Imaging Physics Department, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands;
2: Dutch Metrology Institute (VSL), Netherlands
Convolutional Neural Network Applied for Nanoparticle Classification using Coherent Scatterometry Data
Kolenov, D. (1); Davidse, D. (1); Le Cam, J. (2); Pereira, S.F. (1)
1: TU Delft, Netherlands;
2: Institut d'Optique Graduate School, France
TOM 7- Organic & Hybrid Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Session 1
Quantitative Comparison Between the Different Empiric Methods to Determine the Amplified Spontaneous Emission Threshold in Polymeric Active Waveguides -INVITED
Marco Anni; S.Milanese; M.L. DeGiorgi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica "Ennio de Giorgi", Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
First principles theoretical spectroscopy of halide perovskites -INVITED
Linn Leppert
MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands
A new route for high quality nanometric films of inorganic halide perovskites
Falsini, Naomi (1);Calisi, Nicola (1);Roini, Giammarco (2);Ristori, Andrea (1);Biccari, Francesco (1);Scardi, Paolo (3);Borri, Claudia (1);Caporali, Stefano (1);Vinattieri, Anna (1)
1: University of Florence, Italy
2: University of Brescia, Italy
3: University of Trento, Italy
Session 2
Membrane Environment Enables Ultrafast Isomerisation of Amphiphilic Azobenzene -INVITED
Giuseppe Paterno
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Hybrid Plasmonic/Photonic Crystals for Optical Detection of Bacterial Contaminants
Giuseppe Paterno
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Tuning the transient opto-electronic properties of few-layer MoS2 nanosheets via substrate nano-patterning
Camellini, Andrea (1,6);Mennucci, Carlo (2);Mazzanti, Andrea (3);Martella, Christian (4);Lamperti, Alessio (4);Molle, Alessandro (4);Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco (2);Della Valle, Giuseppe (3,5);Zavelani-Rossi, Margherita (1,5)
1: Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
2: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Italy;
3: Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
4: IMM – CNR, Unit of Agrate Brianza, Italy;
5: IFN – CNR, Italy;
6: Functional Nanosystems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy
Revealing excited states dynamics in cross-linked covalent hybrids of graphene and diketopyrrolopyrrole oligomers via ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
Ross, Aaron Michael (1); Zheng, Meng (2); Maggini, Michele (2); Marangi, Fabio (1,3); Cerullo, Giulio (1,3); Gatti, Teresa (4); Scotognella, Francesco (1,3)
1: Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano;
2: Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova;
3: Center for Nano Science and Technology@PoliMi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT);
4: Center for Materials Research and Institute of Physical Chemistry, Justus Liebig University Giessen
TOM 9 - Tapered optical fibers, from fundamental to applications
Session 1
Crossing the exceptional point in a fiber-plasmonic waveguide -INVITED
Tuniz, Alessandro; Schmidt, Markus
University of Sydney, Australia
Micro/Nanofiber-coupled low-dimensional structures for nanophotonic applications
Guo, Xin
Zhejiang University, People's Republic of China
Evanescent Kerr effect using an optical nanofiber in acetone
Fanjoux, Gil;Chretien, Jacques;Godet, Adrien;Phan-Huy, Kien;Beugnot, Jean-Charles;Sylvestre, Thibaut
FEMTO-ST institut, France
Room temperature monalayer TMD lasing from photoactivation-enhanced photoluminescence
Zhaoqi, Gu;Fuxing, Gu
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, People's Republic of China
Session 2
Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Components -INVITED
Rochette, Martin
McGIll University, Canada
Laser-induced breakdown measurements of silica nanofibers in air and immersed in water, ethanol and isopropanol
Bouhadida, Maha;Lebrun, Sylvie
institut d'Optique Graduate School palaiseau france, France
Optical scattering field imaging along a nanofiber in operando
Haddad, Yosri;Chrétien, Jacques;Margueron, Samuel;Beugnot, Jean-Charles;Fanjoux, Gil
FEMTO-ST Institute, optics department, UMR 6174 CNRS / Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
Long-time optical transmittance measurements of silica nanofibers
Bouhadida, Maha;Lebrun, Sylvie
institut d'Optique Graduate School palaiseau france, France
TOM 10 - Optical communications
Procedure to optimize the intercarrier spacing in superchannels impaired by the cascading of WSS-based ROADMs
Pereira, Paulo J. (1); Rebola, João L. (1,2); Cancela, Luis G. (1,2)
1: Department of Information Science and Technology, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal;
2: Optical Communications and Photonics Group, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa, Portugal
TOM 11- Thermal radiation and energy management
Optical Resonators based on Casimir Forces -INVITED
Carretero Palacios, Sol (1,2);Esteso, Victoria (2);Míguez, Hernán (2)
1: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain;
2: Institute of Materials Science of Seville, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)- Universidad de Sevilla (US)
Thermal Transport around laser-heated nanoparticles: core-shell and nanocavitation -INVITED
Samy Merabia
Institut lumiere matiere, University of Lyon, France
TOM 12- Nonlinear Optics: materials and applications
Session 1
Broadband tunable nonlinear optical response in plasmonic metamaterials -INVITED
Cesca, Tiziana (1); Genchi, Domenico (1); Rangel-Rojo, Raul (2); Reyes-Esqueda, Jorge Alejandro (3); Mattei, Giovanni (1)
1: University of Padova, Italy;
2: Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, México;
3: Universidad National Autónoma de México (UNAM), México City, México
Engineering Local Fields in Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces -INVITED
Huttunen, Mikko J. (1); Bin-Alam, Saad (2); Reshef, Orad (3); Mamchur, Yaryna (4); Stolt, Timo (1); Ménard, Jean-Michel (3); Dolgaleva, Ksenia (2,3); Boyd, Robert W. (2,3,5); Kauranen, Martti (1)
1: Photonics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland;
2: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa;
3: Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada;
4: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” Kyiv, Ukraine;
5: The Institute of Optics and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, USA
Visible short-pulses generation by nonlinear propagation of necklace beams in capillaries
Crego, Aurora; San Roman, Julio; Conejero Jarque, Enrique
University of Salamanca, Spain
Non-reciprocal propagation in a non-Hermitian silicon photonic coupler employing graphene saturable absorption
Chatzidimitriou, Dimitrios; Pitilakis, Alexandros; Yioultsis, Traianos; Kriezis, Emmanouil
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
All-fibered high-quality 40-GHz to 200 GHz pulse sources based on nonlinear compression of besselons
Sheveleva, Anastasiia; Finot, Christophe
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire CARNOT de Bourgogne, France
Session 2
Controlling Photonic Response with Lamellar Multilayers -INVITED
Constantinos Valagiannopoulos
Nazarbayev University, Kazakstan
Nonlinear temporal Fresnel diffraction induced by phase jumps in fiber optics
Sheveleva, Anastasiia; Finot, Christophe
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire CARNOT de Bourgogne, France
Vectorial dispersive shock waves on an incoherent landscape
Nuno, Javier (1,2); Finot, Christophe (1); Erkintalo, Miro (3,4); Fatome, Julien (1,3,4)
1: Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire CARNOT de Bourgogne, France;
2: Departamento de Electro?nica, Universidad de Alcala?, (Madrid), Spain;
3: Department of Physics, The University of Auckland, New Zealand;
4: The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, New Zealand
3 Dimensional Motion of Photon and Its Energy
Saleh, Gh.; Alizadeh, Reza; Dalili, Ehsan; Noorbakhsh, Amir
Saleh Research Centre, Netherlands
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
Session 1
The angular momentum of vectorial non-paraxial fields and the role of radial charges in orbit-spin coupling
El Gawhary, Omar (1,2); Urbach, Paul (2)
1: VSL, Dutch Metrology Institute;
2: Delft University of Technology
Transient Dynamical-Thermal-Optical System Modeling and Simulation
Hahn, Luzia; Eberhard, Peter
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Session 2
Phase-coherent THz-wave demodulation with a photomixer
Constantin, Florin Lucian
CNRS, France
Three-dimensional laser writing inside silicon using THz-repetition-rate trains of ultrashort pulses
Wang, Andong; Das, Amlan; Grojo, David
Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS, France
Micro-force measurement with pre-curvature long-period fiber grating-based sensor
Ferreira, Walter S. J. (1,2); Santos, Paulo S. S. (3,5); Caldas, Paulo (4,3); Jorge, Pedro A. S. (3,5); Sakamoto, João M. S. (2,1)
1: Technological Institute of Aeronautics [Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA], Brazil.;
2: Institute for Advanced Studies [Instituto de Estudos Avançados - IEAv], Brazil.;
3: INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Portugal.;
4: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo Rua Escola Industrial e Comercial Viana do Castelo;
5: Departamento de Física e Astronomia da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Sensor Based on Multiple Fiber Bragg Gratings for Diameter Measurement
Rodrigues Cardoso, Victor Henrique; Caldas, Paulo; R. Giraldi, M. Thereza; Frazao, Orlando; Carvalho, Claudio; Costa, João; Santos, José L.
Federal University of Pará, Brazil
Optical design of a variable angle irradiation system for skin cancer laser phototherapy
Garcia, Diogo (1); Coelho, João M. P. (2,3); Vieira, Pedro (1)
1: Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal;
2: Laboratório de Óptica, Lasers e Sistemas, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal;
3: Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, Lisboa, Portugal
Crystalline lens imaging during accommodation with a slit-scanning tomography system: preliminary results
Gomes, Jessica; Franco, Sandra
Centre of Physics, University of Minho, Portugal
Special Project session
Funding opprtunities for creative minds of Europe and of anywhere in the world
Laura Lobato
European Research Council
Nanotechnology-based thermochronic materials for adaptive building envelopes
Gloria Perez (1); Samira Garshasbi (2); Valentina Serra (3); Isabel Galán (4); Pablo La Roche (5); Kwok Wei Shah (6)
1: Spanish National Research Council -CSIC, Spain
2: University of New South Wales, Australia
3: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
4: Graz University of Technology, Austria
5: California State Polytechnic University Pomona, United States of America
6: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Poster Session (all posters)
Towards SERS-based multiplexed monitoring of protease activity using non-natural aromatic amino acids
Turk, Nina (1,2);Demol, Hans (3,4);Skirtach, Andre (2,5);Baets, Roel (1,2);Gevaert, Kris (3,4)
TOM 4- Bio-Medical Optics
1: Ghent University - IMEC, Photonics Research Group, Ghent, Belgium;
2: Center for Nano- and Biophotonics, Ghent, Belgium;
3: VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology, Ghent, Belgium;
Light sheet fluorescence microscope for microfluidic chip
Bissardon, Caroline (1);Mermet, Xavier (1);Morales, Sophie (1);Bottausci, Frédéric (1);Carrière, Marie (2);Rivera, Florence (1);Blandin, Pierre (1)
TOM 4- Bio-Medical Optics
1: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, LETI, DTBS, F-38000 Grenoble, France;
2: Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, CEA, CNRS , IRIG, SyMMES, F-38000 Grenoble, France
Combined Brillouin and Raman system for biomedical applications
Rix, Jan (1);Koch, Edmund (1);Kirsch, Matthias (2,3,4);Schackert, Gabriele (3);Uckermann, Ortrud (3);Galli, Roberta (1,4)
TOM 4- Bio-Medical Optics
1: Clinical Sensoring and Monitoring, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany;
2: Asklepios Kliniken Schildautal, Karl-Herold-Strasse 1, D-38723 Seesen, Germany;
3: Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany;
4: National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Partner Site Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany
Intensity dependent deflection spectroscopy for absorption measurements
Dickmann, Walter (1,2);Götze, Tom (2);Bieler, Mark (2);Kroker, Stefanie (1,2)
TOM 6- Frontiers in Optical Metrology
1: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany;
2: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
White light intensity stabilization for long term photometric calibrations
Cachatra, João Luís Vicente;Alves, David;Abreu, Manuel
TOM 6- Frontiers in Optical Metrology
Faculdade de Ciências,Universidade de Lisboa, Sociedade Portuguesa de Óptica e Fotónica
Photonic generation of picosecond pulse doublets from the nonlinear splitting of super-Gaussian pulses
Finot, Christophe
TOM 12- Non-linear and Quantum Optics
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire CARNOT de Bourgogne, France
Cavity-enhanced detection of transient absorption signals
Rodrigues Machado, Fernanda C. (1);Pestre, Pauline (1);Scanlon, Liam (1);Enger, Shirin A. (2);Sankey, Jack C. (1);Childress, Lilian I. (1)
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
1: Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada;
2: Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Crystallization of HfO2 thin films and their influence on laser induced damage
Balogh-Michels, Zoltán (1);Stevanovic, Igor (1);Frison, Ruggero (2);Bächli, Andreas (1);Schachtler, Daniel (1);Gischkat, Thomas (1);Neels, Antonia (2);Stuck, Alexander (1);Botha, Roelene (1)
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
1: RhySearch, Optical Coatings Department, 9471 Buchs SG, Switzerland;
2: Empa, Center for X-ray Analytics, 8600 Dübendorf ZH, Switzerland
Correlation between polychromatic image quality metrics to predict visual acuity in pseudophakic patients
Armengol, Jesús (1);Grarzón, Núria (2,3);Vega, Fidel (1);Altemir, Irene (4);Millán, María S. (1)
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
1: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain;
2: Miranza IOA;
3: Optometry and Vision Department. University Complutense of Madrid;
4: Miguel Servet University Hospital. Ophthalmology Department.
FDTD Modeling of double ultrashort pulse propagation in nonlinear absorbing media
Pisonero, Jose David;Valera, Oscar;Garcia, Enrique;Hernandez, Irene;Ajates, Javier;Sagredo, Jose Luis;Olivar, Marta;Albarran, Carlos;Roso, Luis;Mendez, Cruz
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
CLPU, Spain
Optimizing the CMOS Sensor-Mode for Extreme Linear Dynamic Range MEMS-based CAOS Smart Camera Imaging
Riza, Nabeel;Ashraf, Nazim;Mazhar, Mohsinn
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
University College Cork, Ireland
MEMS-based CAOS Smart Camera 177 dB Linear Extreme Dynamic Range Imaging Tests with Calibrated and Controlled Incoherent White Light and Laser Light Targets
Riza, Nabeel;Mazhar, Mohsinn
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
University College Cork, Ireland
Surface Plasmon Resonance sensor based on a D-shaped photonic crystal fiber with a bimetallic layer
Cardoso, Markos Paulo (1);Silva, Anderson Oliveira (2);Romeiro, Amanda de Freitas (1);Giraldi, Maria Thereza Rocco (3);Costa, João Crisostomo Weyl Albuquerque (1);Santos, José Luis (5,6);Baptista, José Manuel (4,6);Guerreiro, Ariel (5,6)
TOM 13- Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics
1: Federal University of Pará, Brazil;
2: Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca;
3: Military Institute of Engineering, Laboratory of Photonics;
4: Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia, Univerisidade da Madeira;
5: Faculadade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto;
Post-deadline Session
TOM 2: Multimode fiber probe calibration
Petr Jákl
Institute of Scientific Instruments of CAS
CZ, Czech Republic
TOM 2: Symmetric spatio-temporal focusing of ultrashort pulses
Alexander Treffer
DE, Germany
TOM 12: Taming of chiral light absortion with self-assembled nanostructures -INVITED
Alessandro Belardini
Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy
TOM 12: Frequency comb and microwave generation with a full phononic bandgap 1D optomechanical crystal cavity
Laura Mercadé
Universitat Politècnica de València
ES, Spain
TOM 13: The influence of age, sex and visual dysfunction on reading ability in school-children
António Baptista
University of Minho
PT, Portugal