TOM9 Optics at Nanoscale (ONS)


Vito mocella

Vito Mocella
Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (IT)

Concita sibilia 1 Concita Sibilia
Sapienza University
of Rome (IT)
Didier felbacq

Didier Felbacq
Montpellier University (FR)



This 5th edition of the international conference wholly dedicated to Optical Nano-Systems covers a spectrum from applied to basic research of this domain providing a forum for all the aspects with the purpose of advancing the state-of-the-art of nanoscale optics.

New properties in nanoscale structures can be dramatically tuned with size and shape of the nanostructures. Completely different optical behaviours are produced compared to the bulk counterparts, such as narrow linewidths for emission, solar energy conversion, etc. Indeed materials and applications require strong effort to develop spectroscopy and microscopy tools allowing visualization and manipulation of optical properties with nanoscale resolution.


  • Emerging Technologies
    • metamaterials,metasurfaces, nonradiating modes, topological insulators
  • Nonlinear Optics and Applications
    • chirality and symmetries, plasmonics and SHG, nonlinear materials and THz
  • Quantum Optics and quantum technologies
  • Optical Sensors
    • novel approaches in optical sensing, optical biosensors, plasmonic sensing
  • Materials for photonics
    • quantum dots, perovskite nanostructures, 2D nanomaterials
  • Imaging and spectroscopy
  • Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Tools for Nanooptics, Photonics and Plasmonics



Program Committee

Mario Agio, CNR-INO (IT)

Fabio Antonio Bovino, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)

Sophie Brasselet, Institut Fresnel (FR)

Kurt Busch, Humboldt-Universität (DE)

Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique, (FR)

Gennady Shvets, University Of Texas, Austin (US)

Niek Van Hulst, ICFO (ES)

Anatoly V. Zayats, King’s College, London (UK)






Invited Speakers


Title: Practical Quantum Communication and Processing

Fabio Antonio Bovino, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)

Title: Ultrafast emission and detection of quantum emitters

Mario Agio, University of Siegen (DE) 



Title: Ultrafast dynamics in quantum dots

Davide Boschetto, ENSTA Paris Tech (FR)



Title: Expansion(s) of electromagnetic fields on dispersive quasi normal modes

Guillaume Demesy, Institut Fresnel (FR) 



Title: Experimenting with optical plasticity in photonic machine learning - towards all-optical Artificial Intelligence

Eugenio Fazio, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)



Title: Monolithic semiconductor light sources for quantum photonic integration on Si

Teemu Hakkarainen, Tampere University (FI)



Title: Intensity squeezed States of lLght from FWM in hot alkali Vapors -Review of Results and Applications

Brana Jelenkovic, University of Belgrade (RS)



Title: Is practicle perfect optical transmission possible?

Gilles Lerondel, UTT, Troyes (FR)



Title: Generation of nonclassical light in integrated nanophotonic resonators

Marco Liscidini, Universita di Pavia (IT)



Title: Listening to metal nanoparticles super-aggregates by photoacoustics

Roberto Li Voti, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)  

Title: Dielectric metasurfaces for emission efficiency control at telecom wavelengths

Giovanni Mattei, University of Padova (IT)



Title: Surface wave photonic crystal biochips for cancer biomarkers detection

Francesco Michelotti, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)



Title: Diagnostic potential of disorder: development of an innovative nanostructured platform for rapid, label-free and low-cost analysis of genomic DNA

Valentina Mussi, CNR-IMM Roma (IT) 



Title: Core-Shell 3D Chiral Metamaterial for Femtomolar Biodetection

Adriana Passaseo, CNR- Nanotec -Lecce (IT)



Title: Plasmonic lattices for controlling light-matter interaction.

Giuseppe Pirruccio, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (MX)



Title: Optical properties of porous silicon nanowires at high pressures

Javad Rezvani, Università di Camerino (IT)



Title: On the generalized Snell-Descartes laws for metasurfaces

Emmanuel Rousseau, L2C, University of Montpellier (FR) 


Title: New nonlinear chiroptical effects: second and third harmonic scattering from chiral nanoparticles

Ventsislav K. Valev, University of Bath (UK)


Title: Plasmonic modes in cylindrical nanoparticles

Guillaume Weick, IPCMS, University of Strasbourg (FR)