Contact us


Elina koistinen

Elina Koistinen
EOS Executive Director

Phone: +358 50 592 4693
[email protected]




Tiina Romppanen
Finance Assistant, Membership issues

[email protected]




Hannele Karppinen
Conference Manager

Oili Kohonen
Conference Manager
[email protected]




EOS Office (secretariat) and correspondance address

European Optical Society
Länsikatu 15
FI-80110 Joensuu

European Optical Society Oy
Business ID/VAT number: FI25599654
Domicile: Joensuu, Finland

European Optical Society, EOS,
Learned Society registered address (for official use only)

European Optical Society
Institut d'Optique Graduate School
2, Avenue Augustin Fresnel
91127 PALAISEAU cedex–France

The EOS is a registered not-for-profit association under French law and thus exempted from sales tax.
Association no.: W913002847. SIRET no.: 384 459 475 00016.