13th Intern Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles
From Sunday, 23 august 2020 to Friday, 28 august 2020
- Warsaw
The 13th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP) - Optical Particle Characterization follow-up ! is organized by the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IF-PAS) on August 23-28th, 2020, Warsaw, Poland. The conference is focused on interactions between laser beams and particles, from theory to practice (download the flyer), encompassing in particular the following fundamental topics :
- particle characterization methods (interferometric, holographic, polarimetric, spectral, static, dynamic,...),
- near-field, far-field and time-resolved scattering,
- plasmonics and other resonances,
- complex shaped particles and aggregates,
- multiple scattering and random media (dense,turbulent,...)
- mechanical effects of light (particle manipulation, force measurement, optical tweezer,...)
- laser beams description (contributions acoustical and quantum beams are also welcomed).
and application domains:
- two-and multiphase-flow characterization ( combustion, spray, bubbly flow...),
- aerosol science and atmospheric environment (nucleation, transport, characterization...),
- plasma and soft matter physics (nanocristallite, Coulomb crystal, colloids, aggregation, ,...),
- biomedical optical engineering (cell manipulation and properties, microrheology, ...),
- remote sensing (lidar, communication,...)